2025 Announcement for Dynamics GP End of Life and Security Updates 2029-2031

News: September 2024 Announcement from Microsoft on Dynamics GP

Some important news from Microsoft Corporation for 2029 Dynamics GP Enhancements and Updates. 

  1. September, December 31, 2029 -End of Life - OFFICIAL - For customers using the latest version of Dynamics GP (currently v18.6), Microsoft will continue releasing product updates, regulatory (tax) updates, and security updates/hotfixes until September 30, 2029, see GP End of Life for further details
  2. April 30, 2031 - End of security updates 

Our GP Support North team will be here to provide you with GP support, GP end-user training, GP consulting, and GP integrations for Dynamics GP, and GP upgrades for supported Microsoft versions.


News: September 25, 2024 Announcement from Microsoft on Dynamics GP

Updated January 15, 2025:  Some important news from Microsoft Corporation with regard to the future of Microsoft Dynamics GP was received on September 25, 2025, marking the end of Dynamics GP product enhancements and updates September, December 31, 2029 with an extension of security updates until 2031 (see GP end of life for details). This news has not changed our 10 year pledge to Dynamics GP support and we are still a safe haven for GP users.

Our team at GP Support North can share additional details, we're here to help. #GPStrong Future.

  1. October 1st 2023 – Enhancement plan fees going up an additional 1% (BREP from 17% to 18%). Historically these were 16% prior to the 2021/2022 increase.
      1. OFFICIAL: Effective October 1, 2023, annual EP and AP rates will increase by 1 point for renewals and new sales. By way of example, the rate for a 1-year Enhancement Plan (EP) would go from 17% to 18% of Protected List Price (PLP), the rate for a 1-year Advantage Plan would go from 19% to 20% of PLP, and the rate for a 3-year Advantage Plan (AP) rate would go from 57% to 60% of PLP.
  2. October 1st 2023 – Additional full-user and Limited User perpetual licenses for Microsoft Dynamics GP will be increasing, pricing to be announced prior.  Subscription pricing will also be increasing by 9% in US Dollars.
  3. No Change – Microsoft Support roadmap for Dynamics GP to 2028+
  4. No Change - Microsoft will continue to release updates, hotfixes, and tax tables to 2028.
  5. No Change – Current Dynamics GP clients can still buy added perpetual and/or subscription Full User licenses of Dynamics GP and Limited User licenses of Dynamics GP.
  6. 2025 – end of New Sales for net-new clients to purchase Microsoft Dynamics GP perpetual licenses. Ending April 1, 2025. (Microsoft partners will stop selling new Dynamics GP implementations in 2025 /2026)
  7. 2026 – end of New Sales for net-new clients to purchase Microsoft Dynamics GP subscriptions. Ending April 1, 2026. No impact to current clients.
  8. September, 2029 -End of Life - For customers using the latest version of Dynamics GP (currently v18.6), Microsoft will continue releasing product updates, regulatory (tax) updates, and security updates/hotfixes until September 30, 2029, and security updates if needed until April 30, 2031.
  9. April 30, 2031 - End of Security Updates

Our GP Support North team will be here to provide you with GP support, GP end-user training, GP consulting, and GP integrations for Dynamics GP, and GP upgrades for supported Microsoft versions.

Dynamics GP is supported to 2028+ 

Despite the sad news, GP Support North is still committed to supporting and extending the life of your Dynamics GP ERP, (10 year pledge). With annual enhancements and security updates still available, and will continue to be a 'safe haven' for Dynamics GP users.

GP Proof 1 - Microsoft Roadmap and Updated Lifecycle 2022 to 2028+. 
Installing any compatible Dynamics GP hotfix or tax release on Dynamics GP 2018 or Dynamics GP 2018 R2 will bring you to version 18.6 or later, which enacts the Modern Lifecycle Policy. There are no tax releases or hotfixes available for Dynamics GP 2018 or Dynamics GP 2018 R2 that would allow you to stay on the fixed lifecycle. Updated 05/17/2023 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics-gp/terms/lifecycle

GP Proof 2 - Microsoft Dynamics GP 18.6 (GP 2024) was released on October 2, 2023  - Learn more about the New Dynamics GP features

GP Proof 3 - Microsoft Blog - Dynamics GP Support and Services - posted July 2021:  "The Lifecycle Roadmap shows dates well into the future, 2028 and beyond  for Modern Lifecycle versus the Fixed Lifecycle versions."

GP Proof 4 - Summer 2023 - There was an announcement that new sales of Dynamics GP perpetual licenses will stop in 2025 and new sales of GP subscriptions will stop in 2026.  BUT, the same announcement confirmed that ALL EXISTING DYNAMICS GP clients will still be able to purchase additional users and perform upgrades etc, in accordance to the roadmap.

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Dynamics GP 2025Dynamics GP Sales End 2026Dynamics GP End of Life 2029MSFT Dynamics GP

Assuming you stay on GP for a few years. Here's what you should do.

Why stay on Dynamics GP
If you are concerned with the future of GP, then We can help move you to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Dynamics GP to Business Central Cloud
Dynamics GP End of Life Timeline

Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP, CRM & Cloud Support Services

At Endeavour, our GP Support North team is dedicated to delivering support and optimization services around Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains) to our over 550 active clients.

We are one of the largest Dynamics GP support partners in North America.

We have Financial Systems, Technical and Business Process subject matter experts in all of the modules that Microsoft licenses under the Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP,   Dynamics 365 for CRM and Microsoft 365 / Microsoft Azure Cloud banners and every consultant that works for you has earned several Microsoft and business certifications in their subject area. 

Consulting Services and Support are available on an T&M hourly basis

(Standard support is 1 hour minimum)

Clients are welcome to purchase a pre-paid bank of hours at a discount (plus other benefits). We will not force you into high-cost Systems Assurance support contracts or retainers as we've seen with other providers. 

New clients welcome.  See: "Need a new Microsoft partner?" below.


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