Dynamics GP End of Life 2029 - 2031

When is Dynamics GP End of Life (EOS)

Updated January 15, 2025 - Microsoft announced an extension to the Dynamics GP End of Life to December 31 2029.  This will allow for year-end updates for USA Payroll, Canadian Payroll and other tax certificates providing a greater impact for clients for GP in 2030.

September 25, 2024- Microsoft announced support services, software updates, and enhancements for Microsoft Dynamics GP will officially end  September 2029 December 31 2029. Microsoft will have Security Updates available for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains ERP) until April 2031, providing additional protection beyond the standard Microsoft support period.

Microsoft FAQ - Dynamics GP EOS - End of Support

Updated January 15, 2025. For customers using the latest version of Dynamics GP (currently v18.6), Microsoft will continue releasing product updates, regulatory (tax) updates, and security updates/hotfixes until December 31,, 2029, and security updates if needed until April 30, 2031. And technical support will be available until December 31, 2029 (except until April 30, 2031, for support related to security updates/hotfixes). Customers using an earlier version of Dynamics GP covered by the Modern Lifecycle Policy (i.e., v18.1 – 18.5) should upgrade to the current version of Dynamics GP. For customers on a legacy version of Dynamics GP covered by the Fixed Lifecycle Policy (GP 2018 R2 and earlier), support ends on the dates published on the Microsoft lifecycle website (see https://microsoft.com/lifecycle), which are earlier than above.
Q. Can customers download security updates for their existing Dynamics GP
environment after April 30, 2031?

For customers on the current version of Dynamics GP (v18.7 as of Oct 1 2024), Microsoft does not expect to create additional security updates beyond April 30, 2031.

We're here to Support you NOW and in the Future

Our GP Support North team remains a strong advocates of Dynamics GP (Great Plains) and are committed to providing long-term support for our clients. Currently, we proudly support over 550 Dynamics GP clients across Canada and the United States, delivering expert assistance to ensure your operations run smoothly before and after the September 2029 End of Life for Dynamics GP.

10 years Dynamics GP

10 years Dynamics GP

GP Support North and Endeavour Solutions are offering comprehensive GP Support Plans that include "Unlimited Break-fix" GP support. Contact our team to learn more.

We recently made a 10 year pledge for GP Support providing a safe-haven for short term and long term Dynamics GP support and consulting services.

If your current Microsoft Partner is forcing you to move earlier than you are prepared for, consider moving your business to our GP Support North team. 

Should I migrate to Business Central?

You still have over 5 years.  Our team of Dynamics GP specialists is dedicated to offering exceptional support, and maintaining the necessary skills, expertise, and rapid response times to keep your systems running efficiently. You can rely on us to be your trusted partner throughout your Dynamics GP journey until YOU are ready for a cloud migration.   Once you are ready, we’ll work closely with your team to map your current business processes in Dynamics GP to your new workflows in Microsoft Business Central Cloud ERP, ensuring a efficient transformation.

Updated Microsoft Dynamics GP Roadmap

Dynamics GP End of Life Timeline

The Microsoft Dynamics GP roadmap above has been updated to 2029 (end of life) with extended security to April 2031

Digital Transformation While Staying on Dynamics GP

Why stay on Dynamics GP

Moving from Dynamics GP
to Business Central

Dynamics GPDynamics 365 Great PlainsMicrosoft Azure CanadaPower BI CanadaPower Apps Consultant CanadaMicrosoft 365 USA consultantDynamics GP to Business Central

We also support the majority of your ISV Partners (Microsoft Dynamics GP add-on apps)


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