Core vs More - Dynamics GP Bank Rec with Core GP vs. ISV add-ons from Blue Moon and Nolan
Bank Reconciliation comparison for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains ERP)
The question often comes up when clients look to automate their back-office processes and look towards their Bank Reconciliation efforts as a potential means to save time and cost related to more manual efforts to reconcile transactions with bank accounts. Handle ABR (Automatic Bank Reconciliation) through multi-currency controls, multi-lingual preferences, and compatibility with major banks such as Citibank, TD Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and many more.
The following three videos and chart compare the features and costs related to Core GP Bank Reconciliation vs the GP add-on for Blue-Moon Account Reconciler vs the Nolan Advanced Bank Reconciliation (ABR) applications.
Core vs More: Core Dynamics GP - Bank Reconciliation functions
Core vs More:
Blue-Moon Account Reconciler add-on compared to core GP functions